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Content Display Errors

Understanding Visibility Settings

When you create a song in Suno, it is initially set to private by default. This means the song will only be visible in your personal Library and on the Create page if it was recently generated. It will not appear in public areas such as playlists on the home page or your public profile.

To make your song publicly visible, you need to adjust its visibility settings. From your Library, locate the triple-dot icon to the right of the track you want to modify. Under Visibility, the highlighted preference will be set to Link Only. Tap Public to make your song visible on your public profile.

You can view your public profile by tapping your Profile Avatar and selecting View Profile, or by adding your handle to the Suno URL, for example,

Addressing Sampling Detection Issues

Users may encounter content display issues when their songs are flagged for sampling by platforms like Tunecore. This can result in songs being blocked and potential legal and financial complications. These issues often arise from the use of non-original content. To minimize these problems, consider the following:

Use Original Content

Ensure that your lyrics and compositions are original. Avoid using any pre-existing material directly, as this can be detected as sampling. If you sample any part of a recording you did not record yourself, you must have a license from the owner of that original recording. You cannot distribute any content that you do not hold 100% distribution rights for.

Modify Prompts and Outputs

Slightly alter the prompts and the AI-generated outputs to ensure they do not closely resemble existing songs. This can help avoid automated detection systems.

Dispute Incorrect Claims

If you believe the detection is incorrect, dispute the claim. Many times, these detections are automated and can be resolved by human review.

Additional Tips

  • Be Persistent: Sometimes, it may take several attempts to get the AI to produce completely original content.
  • Understand Licensing: Ensure you have the proper licenses for any content you are using that is not originally yours.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates from Suno AI regarding their licensing and content usage policies.