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Duration Control Solutions

Suno AI offers several methods to control the duration of your generated songs, both during initial creation and through extensions. Understanding these methods allows for more precise control over your musical output.

Initial Song Length

The initial length of a song is determined by the model used for its creation. Suno offers different models, each with its own duration limits:

  • v2: The oldest model, allowing for songs up to 1 minute and 20 seconds.
  • v3: This model has a maximum song length of 2 minutes.
  • v3.5: The latest model, capable of generating songs up to 4 minutes in the initial generation.

You can switch between these models in the Create menu, located at the top right, which defaults to v3.5.

Extending Song Duration

To make a song longer, Suno provides an Extend feature. This feature allows you to add new sections to the end of an existing song, even beyond the initial 4-minute limit of the v3.5 model.

To use the Extend feature:

  1. Navigate to the Create or Library menu and locate the song you want to extend.
  2. Click the triple-dot icon and select Extend from the menu.
  3. Enter new lyrics in the Lyrics field.
  4. Add a title for your song extension and choose a specific point to extend from.
  5. Click Create.

After listening to the new extension, you can generate a full version with both parts by clicking the triple-dot icon next to your favorite extension and choosing Get Whole Song. The finished product will have a Full Song tag, with the extension noted as Part 2.

Ensuring Natural Endings

When extending songs, you may encounter issues with abrupt endings. To mitigate this, you can use specific annotations in the lyrics box to signal a smoother conclusion:

  • [end]: Directs the AI to stop the music clearly and neatly.
  • [fade out]: Intended to gradually lower the volume until the song is completely faded out, though results may vary.
  • [outro] [Instrumental Fade out] [End]: Creates a more elaborate ending sequence by blending the fading of instruments with the official end of the song.

Experimenting with different combinations of these annotations can help achieve the desired effect. If these methods are not sufficient, consider manually editing the track using audio software like Audacity to add a fade-out effect.

Troubleshooting Extension Issues

If you experience issues with song extensions, such as premature cutoffs, consider the following solutions:

  • Adjust the Extend Point: Change the extend point by a second or two to prevent the song from being cut off. If a small adjustment doesn't work, try extending it by two or three seconds more.
  • Modify Prompts: If the AI doesn't generate the correct continuation, modify your prompts. It's possible that an update to the underlying model may be affecting the generation, so changing or removing certain words can help align the generations better.
  • Use Specific Model Versions: Switching between different models, such as using v3 instead of v3.5, may resolve the issue. Switching back and forth between versions might also solve the issue.
  • Add Transition Prompts: Adding transition words or phrases like [Transition] can help the AI understand the transition and continue naturally.
  • Reduce Complexity: Simplify your prompts or avoid overly specific criteria, as complex prompts can sometimes confuse the AI.

Other tips to consider include:

  • Monitor for Updates: Stay updated with any changes or updates from Suno AI, as these can affect how the extensions function.
  • Isolate Clips: If certain segments are problematic, isolate them and try generating extensions from different points to find the most effective spot.
  • Community Feedback: Share your experiences and solutions with the community to explore new tactics.